Tanner Explains it ALL!!!!!!!
So yesterday some Peoples and Dogs said What is Sinko Day Mayo. I can't believe how many HUMANS don't know stuff and then they think they tell US what to do?! So I am going to splain some things TODAY that the humans DO NOT understand ok???

Sinko Day Mayo?! DUH! Its the day the Mayo sits in the SINK! Mom makes her own Mayo in the big food spinner so its not in a fun jar! I haven't got to taste it yet, but I hope to SOON! I think it will help me to develop my pectoriest muscles!!!
OK Also something those humans do NOT understand...

This food is called DOG food. It belongs to ME and to one JOEY. We should be able to have it ALL the time, it is DOG food not Mom and Dad food.

When I look at you like THAT it means I am STARVING to death and might DIE if I don't get food like RIGHT then!!! Mom also is totally CRAZIEREST when she makes our dinner...look at this...

She puts THAT in our food! That is one naked hairless puppy on that jar, NOT a handsome dog! Is she trying to turn us into one of those hairless pups?!?!!!

ALSO for future referencerests THAT IS POWDER that is NOT FOOD. I don't need that in my dinner OK?! Less POWDER more FOOD! If you want to skip all this extra junk altogether, just share your dinner with me OK?

I will take one of those, HOLD THE POWDER woman!
Finally I would like My MOm and Dad to understand that Joey and I only guard the house in the TV room.

If the Room behind us is a mess it is because MOM bought us a sploding toy basket! I have to walk past it real slow because sometimes it reaches out and I like fall in it and then I like look like I am digging and it TIPS but that is just me trying to GET AWAY then it SHOOTS toys all over?!!! OMDOG humans are so dumb buying these dangerous baskets?!?!
I hope your humans learn something from this post from ME the smarterest Tanner!!!
33 Stains:
You really ARE the smarterest Tanner! Some crazy people were trying to tell us all about Mexico and pinatas and margaritas and stuff for Sinko de mayo. HUH. They didn't know what they were talking about!
We do need to know where your mom got that toy basket tho. We NEED one!
Sunny & Scooter
We are so glad that we have a smart friend like you to explain those stuff to us.
Boy n Baby
I made mom read this post several times so she could learn something.
Mom's old Shula use to get baby food too. But, she really liked it cuz it was mixed with baked chicken!!!
I've never gotten either, so count yourselves luck you get some yummy baby food!!
Hey Ya'll we so happee we met ya'll at the chat pawty & that ya'll have sniffed over to our corner lot. Ya'll are too fun and got a way cool bloggie. Tanner flys golly what fun to be had when the huumons are away! We decided we gonna have to have mommy read this post to get educated. One thing different though me Crikit ~ I carry my food bowl around so M&D will get the message I NEED FOOD and if they ignore me I knock the bowl into their legs or even slam it on the floor but ya'lls pawrents got ya'll heavy bowls so guess it won't work fur ya... sorry
We gonna be good friends cos ya'll are coooool
Love Licks
pee ess: daddy promised to set us up with our camera by the summer like yours cos we enjoyed peeking in...
I get Missing Link too, but not baby food. Should I be getting baby food? Is it yummy? I bet it's yummy.
Tanner: Thank you for the clarification on Sinco de Mayo. However, your hoomans dinner looks much tastier than any dog food ever, so I think you should go on a hunger strike until they feed you that stuff! Then your shirt would fit too!
Ooooh, so THAT'S what Sinko de Mayo is... I always wondered what it meant. Thanks for telling me, Tanner!
I don't get powder on my food, but the cats do. And the cats won't eat their food when there's powder on it, so guess what I do? I eat THEIR food! I don't mind the powder, the cat food makes up for it. The only food I DON'T like is my own food. And since my own food doesn't have powder on it, guess who eats it? The CATS! So basically, the cats and I just switched foods.
Now why don't you see if you can get your humans to switch food with you guys? They can eat your food (since they seem to like the idea of having powder on it, they should enjoy it!) and you can eat their food!
Hi, Tanner!
Your explanation about Sinco Day Mayo is much better than the one books give us here!
Is that chicken?? Yes, it looks better than kibbles!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my...I had no idea that Sinko of Mayo was all about the condiments???!!! I went to Asta's bloggie and it was all about the dogaritas...obviously, Tanner you understand the culture a little better than Asta...I didn't see any Mayo in her sink!!!
Ya know Tanner...Um I HAD NO IDEA you were so brilliant...and HANDSOME!! I know you're married and stuff...but do you date???
Hold the mustard, hold the lettuce...special orders don't upset us...barkies,
Woh Tanner, you sure are smart. That exploding toy basket looks really scary
~ Girl girl
Hi Tanner the Smarterest,
I must say that my mom sometimes adds Heinz or Gerber baby food into my meat loaf to make them more yummy-erest too! I love them.. *slurp slurp*
That was an extremely intelligent post! I had no idea about the mayo thing.
oh my goodness, you are the very smarterest dog ever. and it doesnt hurt at all that you make my mom smile. i am glad you cleared up the cinga mayo up.
Tanner, you make us wag, wag, wag!
the waggin' whippets
My Mummy says she has learnt that all dogs are, messy, greedy and hopeless at guarding the house. What would she know?!
Simba xx
Ohhhhhhhh. You are the smarterest one of them all Tanner!
Ozzie & Rocky
You're sure smart, Tanner! Thanks for clearing up Sinko de Mayo for us!
Our toy basket is shoved in a brick hole next to our fireplace so it doesn't splode like yours! Do you maybe have a brick hole someplace in your house? It might help you out!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thank you so much Tanner for explaining Cinco de Mayo. I have always wondered exactly what it meant!! I just don't understand how Mexican food is always involved.
You do make me giggle Tanner!
Me got one of those explodering toy boxes too!
Cassidy x
Our mom doesn't like mayonnaise, so we don't celebrate Sinko Day Mayo.
You are the smarterest one, Tanner. I'll never forget what sinko day mayo means!
I would most definitely like to eat the sink mayo and that dinner . I'd even eat the spinaches.
ps. Joe--If you get a laser I would totally let you use it on the cats in my eyes and in my neighborhoods. Also you would have to shoot it at the spot on Tanner's head. It is laser target, I think.
Tanner, you are SO smart!! Thanks for explaining all of that to us - I feel smarter now too.
Love Clover xo
I am going to make Mom read your post asap!!! Thanks!!
You are one cleverest dog, Tanner. What's with the powder?
It is unbelievable what we learn here...Sinko De Mayo...who knew??? love A+A
Humans celebrate the silliest things like that sinko of mayo. Maybe if they add some chicken to it, I'd like it better!
I have one of those exploding toy baskets too. They're scary, aren't they?
Thank dog you splain these things..I thin you'we so wight it's amazing how much hoomans don't know!!!
I suwe hope they don't tuwn you into one of those haiwless pups...that would be the tewwiblestest evew....and to booby twap the house like that ..what if a safety inspectow shows up..they'll be in big twouble...Tannew did you like my flying technique??I know it's not as good as youw s but I'm wowking on it
smoochie kisses
That mayo sinko looks kind of yummy. Did you get to lick it? Interesting food. As long as they put something in that dry stuff, I'll eat it. My owners are not very creative.
and the Canine Kids said,
Hey Tanner,
You are just so clever. We would have never know what Sinko De Mayo meant.
We eat that Missing Link stuff too so we know what you mean when you'd rather just have food.
Eeeww, sometimes I get that human skinless puppy food too. What's up with that? Watch out for the exploding stuffie holder. Sounds dangerous.
Thanks for splaining so many things to us, TannerMan! I'll be sure my girl catches this post!
Goob love,
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