WHATSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPP dudes and dudegirls! I had an ideas that I wanted to give allll my friends that McDonalds because you are all SO nice to me and say I am FUNNY! SO I went on the internets to see how to make money FAST and I cannot sells drugs because I don't know what those are so I said I can make a naked picture or 2!!! I went to talk to some dog called Hugh Ruffner and he said I could be in his magazine that looks like this:

I just had to sign a form and take off my collar. I said OK I see that kinda stuff on HBO!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMDOG I got SO SO much money and I buyed allll that McDonalds!! So here are the photos! MOm said that they are BAD for baby dogs and that maybe LILLIE should not look either, but I said that my WIFE will get a nice pressie with all the money so she will be OK with it I am sure!!!

This one they said look SEXY I said OK OK like THIS?!?!?!!!! Whatsuppppp BIT*#S I am the Sexy TANNER!!!!!!!!!!

This one I didn't like SO much because it was WHITE bed and I didn't want to make a stain but I think it came out pretty HOT?! What do you think??!??!?!!

This one they wanted to put water in the tub and I said NO WAY I HAVE MY PRINCIPLES!! There are somethings I will NOT DO FOR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FINALLY here is a preview for the VIDEO that you can buy on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!

playdog from Rhonda on Vimeo.
OMDOG LADIES DID YOU LOVE IT?!?!?! ALso, Mom said if I ever do this again I will be grounded FOREVER EVER. SO I guess next time I need money I will have to find out what drugs are or invent something like the internets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
53 Stains:
OMD Tanner! We thought we were Two Wild 'n Crazy Guyz, but we gotta say, you got us beat by a mile!
Ozzie & Rocky
HAHAhahahahahahahahahaha....whew....Tanner you are too much.
(pssst...tanner, where can i buy a copy? shhhhhhh. whisper...)
Oh Lordy lordy lordy Tanner! We think you are in the BIGGEST trouble of all now.
Yikes from the whippets and Lindy Loo peaked even though we told her she wasn't old enough so she is now and forever perverted
Tanner: Teka says "thank you for the introduction to Hughie, I had a great time. He sure knows how to treat a girl"
Whatever that means, but maybe it explains the pasties?
Tanner, I hear there's big bucks in organized crime. Or maybe you can start dealing in black market bully sticks!
OMD!! Tanner!! You are a crazy crazy mofo!!! hahhahahah! We love you!
Tanner you are too mush, were can I buy the magazine and dvd I must have them.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
OMG Tanner, you're a star matie. My sissies are going wild here. They'd like your pawtograph please.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh, my dog! I do NOT want my sisters to see this! Well, maybe Storm, 'cuz she could handle it - but NOT sweet, innocent little AMMY! Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: Zim said to tell you "you ROCK" but then ... he's like that.
Oh my Dogness!! You made me blush!! You make me laugh Tanner!!!
Oh man you are the dog Tanner. WooT!!!
I want that video. I got that plastic card thingy that is always buying things. Where do I call? Does this make me a pervert?
How creative you are, Tanner! We didn't know you had it in ya?! Your life will never been the same after this! You'll be mobbed wherever you go!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
To Tanner's mom,
Oh my...he's really done it this time...oh dear...KEEP UR HEAD UP...this too shall pass...
I cannot permit Lacie to see that, I'm afraid...she's too young and innocent.
Yo Tanner...Score us a couple copies of that video and the magazine...um...Lacie said if we get it for her that she'll give us first divs on treats, dinner time with mumsie etc etc....
This is an offer we can't refuse. She also said she wouldn't bite us for a week...WOOOOOOOT!!!
Thankyou Tanner...Ur the MAN!!!!!
Scruffy and Babystan
Ooh, Tanner you showed everything!!! You are very brave to show your private parts to the world. Now all the ladies will be trying to meet you. I guess you'll have to explain that you're married now (hee hee!)
Did you get to meet Hugh Hefner? Maybe you can join the Dogs Next Door TV show and live in his mansion. Then you can invite us to his parties!!
WHOA...........Agatha just said she had to go and take her collar off as she was getting alittle hot.....Phew....YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but i think you are in major trouble...Love your pal archie
WHOA...........Agatha just said she had to go and take her collar off as she was getting alittle hot.....Phew....YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but i think you are in major trouble...Love your pal archie
Thanks for donating to LBR, guys! You are always so supportive - we love you!
Wow! "Tanner Fully Exposed" Uncensored version. BOL!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
LOL!!!!!!!!!! OMG you guys are hilarious! Those are some racy bostons! Thank you for donating to Legacy Boxer Rescue. We really appreciate your support!
That was "dirty" money!!!!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks so much for your donation to Legacy Boxer Rescue!
Wow, Tanner, who knew you could make so much, doing so little!
- Charlie
I'm feeling vewy faint and I may have to bowwow Mommi's fan to cool myself off...Lillie suwe is a vewy undewstanding wife..you bettew get hew something weeally special....but I must admit, byuying all the McDonalds fow all of us was a vewy noble cause, so I don't think you should get into any twouble at all
smoochie kisses
(this will do so much bettew than the pawis Hilton video)
OMD tanner!!
Those photos.....That video....im just speechless, but you sure are one crazy dog!
woof's Joey and Tanner, wuz fun chattin wiff u this weekend...heehee Tanner, u iz shuch a cool dog...i wanna b jus like u when me grows up...lillie iz a verwy good wife to let u pose fur dat magizine..i didnt c da center-fold, ware did it go...
b safe,
Oh wow. we have never thought of you in a sexy way before. When will the Dvds be out?
Boy n Baby
Wow Tanner, I would never have thought YOU were THAT kind of dog!!!
Do you think I could be the centerfold?
OMD...my eyes, my eyes...I'm way too young and innocent to have seen that...seriously I think I am permanently scarred and will need some serious therapy.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Woh Tanner, you sure are funny... I'm below 17 so I dont think I can buy a copy of that dvd huh...
~ Girl girl
whew...i will be back to comment after i have a cold shower..
My eyes, my eyes!!!!! Oh much did you get paid. About the drugs, I have a friend, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Simba xx
Oh wow! You're on a magazine spread! Seems that every other dog is going into the entertainment industry. I want in too!
Whew Tanner...those pics got me panting up a storm! You are one sexy beast.
Woof, Tanner! I will get a copy of Playdog an the DVD. Can you pawtograph them for me, please?
We love the photos so much - but Mama got mad at us for looking at them so we had to wait till she went to sleep before we could see them again - oops I think she is coming now - got to goooooooo
Motch made me cover my eyes after you took off your collar but I peeked and I'm just not sure what to think. Did you have a nice bath?
OMdoG Tanner, this is too GOOD! You are really one funny pup!! Can you let me know how I can lay my paws on a copy of the mag? Oh an if I get it, can you sign it for me?? Pretty please?? (Btw did you see any cute bunnies over at Hugh Ruffner's place?)
I'm just grossed out. Thanks Tanner.
But it was worth it for a burger.
Tanner, are you sure this is your first video? I could swear I saw you on a "Bostons Gone Wild" infomercial the other night...
You look HOT!
What have you done? You have ruined your chances of any type of political career...not that you wanted one anyway...
I wonder what you will do next...??
Love & Licks,
ps..what did Joey say about this? Maybe we need to organize a DWB intervention for you....
OH my gosh, Tanner! You are so funny! I bet you will get ALL the ladies, now! Personally, I think they were very "tasteful" and "artsy"! (LOL!! :-P ) But, I can see why your mommy would be a bit upset. Maybe you can auction off a few of Joey's CUZ's for some extra dough... (Ha, Ha! Only kidding, Joey!)
Winnie :-)
Hi Tanner!!
You are so cute and funny!! I looked at the pictures since I am not really a puppy anymore, I am almost a year old!
I will try to think of some other ways for you to earn money...
Love Clover xo
Paris wants to know where she can buy the full length DVD?
Tanner! First of all... we love the picz! You are h-o-t HOT!
Also, we saw you gave happy meals to some of our friends- WE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! We want to be friends with you now... I guess since you do smutty pictures and give away food, WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO BE!?!?!
We're adding you to our list of dog blogs- check us out! Mommy and Daddy just left for vacation though so don't expect an update till MONDAY!
-Sophie and Dixie
Tanner, your video made mom laugh out loud at work!! You're the best!
TANNER! Oh my goodness, now I see how you made so much money! HA HA ha ha...
That is great...what expressions..do you offer podcasts?
Tanner! You are going to drive the ladies insane! What a great idea!
I've been taking these pictures for FREE!!! I could have been making bank!
You are the sexeriest dog to ever grace the pages of that rag... er, magazine. (Not that *I'D* know or anything.)
Glad you stuck to your principles. You're nothing if you don't have those.
Goober love,
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