Me Me Me Me
Our friends Rocky and Ozzie and Ike both tagged us to do the Memoir Meme.
1) Write your own six word memoir. 2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like. 3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere. 4) Tag at least five more blogs with links 5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play. 6) Have fun
I will go first, this is so easy!
Joey: Best, Handsome, Best, The Man, Best
Here are Tanner's, funny he left out DOOFIEST!
Tanner: Superest, Funnierest, Cuterest, Snuggierest, Smarterest, Marriederest
We don't know who is left to do this, but anyone can if they want!!
Mom got us some shirts this weekend she said we can wear them to celebrate Cinco De Mayo...
I think I look pretty great, I enjoy the silky feeling it is nice and cool! I also like the palm trees, reminds me of a beach boys song or something.
Tanner is a bit LARGE for his shirt. Mom can't even velcro it in the front?! Tanner said its all his Pectoriest muscles. Whatever Dude.
I think they are pretty ok, good enough to wear while trying to score some peanuts from Dad. Please note the nice drool spots on the carpet, nothing like Mango but I try. I am not sure what Cinco De Mayo means, but I think I need to go see about a Margarita or a Corona...
29 Stains:
G'day Fellas,
We've noticed others blogging about Cinco de Mayo but we've no idea what it is.
Your shirts look very cool.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Tanner looks so sexy in the shirt, it is like showing off his chest.
Boy n Baby
Hi, Joey!
I agree with your descriptions on the Memoir game!
I like your shirts but Tanner looks... looks.... mmmmmmh.... too big for his!
Coronas to celebrate Cinco de Mayo sounds great!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Tanner...blush, giggle...ur chest is um so ...hairy!!!!!
Perhaps you need to talk to Scruffy, Tanner...he's too skinny for the Substantial Wire's Club....and he wants some exercises to increase his girth...thoughts????
Joey...looks like you had a fab time at Soph's housie!!!!
Happy Cinco de Mayo dudez! You look quite festive in your palm tree shirts! Hope you got to enjoy a margarita or two!
BTW your memoir memes were very fitting!
Ozzie & Rocky
Happy Cinco De Mayo! Haha, me too! I have no idea what it is. Have not heard about it before...Care to explain? Your tees are so kewl like Elvis Presley's. Did he just have a garage sale?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
OK, so who made those drool spots? Certainly not you two. You look way too sophisticated for that. Awesome shirts, by the way!
Tanner looks very macho and ready to pop open a Cerveza for Cinco de Mayo. I think he needs to cruise around in a lowrider in his outfit with his shirt open.
looks like tanner is a little more muscular...heheh
I think those six words describe you perfectly, Joe... And same with Tanner, though I think "doofiest" would have been a good word for him too, hee hee.
You guys look awesome in your shirts! Very cool.
You doggies look cute in those shirt. :) You need straw hats too
~ Girl girl
Poor chubby Tanner! hahahahahaha!
HANDSOME pair you two make.
yours in drool.
Your shirts look totally cool!! Although I think Tanner will need a bigger one.. Heheheh..
You both look like such manly burly men in those know what I mean right? Like those dudes at the gym who grunt after lifting like 500 pounds all at once!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
You both look awesome in your Cinco De Mayo shirts! We're thinking that Tanner is trying to wow the girls over to his side, Joey! Nice pecs, Tanner!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Is that Joe & Tanner or Crockett & Tubbs??
You guys look super cool in those shirts. Ladies, watch out! boys look so handsome! All you need are some gold chains!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Tanner is so the funnierest in that shirt. You look smokin' as usual, Joe!
Great job, Joe! I got tagged by Girl Girl - I hope I do as well as you did!
Play bows,
It looks like Tanner is bursting with pride in that cool shirt.
Does cinco de mayo have anything to do with baseball? Like, isn't there a cinco pitch or something?
We think that every since Tanner posed, he thinks he is hot stuff, and he probably doesn't WANT to button his shirt. He wants to show off his physique.
Your shirts are great!
Those are some pretty snazzy shirts. Your drool spots look great for a guy your size. Very good.
and the Canine Kids said,
Hey Joe and Tanner,
Loved the memoirs for both of you.
You look GRRReat in your Cinco De Mayo outfits.
Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating.
Doofus looks like he's going to explode in that shirt. Watch out, it might be cuttin off the blood to his brain.
Joey, good try with the suds, but seriously.
Tanner will never be the Stainerest.
Oooh, I need one of those shirts like Tanner's to show off my chest hair!
Very festive, you guys!
Joey and Tanner
Ihope you got some pawgewitas ow Cowona's .
You bof look vewy handsome in youw new summew shiwts..I think they'll be pawfect fow the pawty in Austwalia fow Willow and Puttew
smoochie kisses
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