SUPER TANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMDOG WHATSSSSSSSSUUUUUPPPPPPPPPP my friends! So you hear about ME looking out that Door and seeing that dog MOLLY in our neighbor's yard and saying GRRR doggy go back to your house where you live. THen Mom and Dad look and say OOOH NOOOES doggy that is bad street you could be hit so they go and get her and Dad say Tanner is a HERO! I am a HERO! like a SUPER hero! So I have a super hero suit!!!

I am STARS and a cape hero, SUPER TANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The S is for SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joey said the S is for STUPID since it is backwards, WHATEVER he is just JEALOUS he is not SUPER!
Let me show you how I see Molly and be a hero. I look out this door, see how its nice and ORANGE where our noses are. Mom said that is RUST. whatever that is.

I was looking and I see a doggy and I say....

OMDOG Someone get that Doggy before it gets runned over by fasterest cars!!! Then she was here and you know the rest. SO now that I am done saving lives I am going to go use my cape!!!!

I CAN FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to go flyering to Lillie's house and to visit my friend LIberty the Princess of SParkle who lives in FLORIDA again and I am going to go to some VERY important places....

YAHOO! Give me 209395 CHEESEBURGERS and 20923 FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! And SuperSize that stuff!!!

SO Joey might be a detective but I am a HERO. If you need saving or um McDonalds, GIVE ME A CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
45 Stains:
Yu awe a twue Hewo!
And when you'we done visiting youw wife Lilly, coud you pleez fly ovew and bwing me a big mac and some fwench fwies...I'll have some beew we can shawe
smoochie kisses
That's awesome, Tanner!! Great work! You look super cool in your suit too. Can you fly over and visit me?! It's so boring when Mom and Dad are at work. If you pick me up some McD's on the way, that is cool too.
Love Clover xo
Tanner, make that 3 Big Mac's and fwies, as long as use is going to NYC to see Asta, New Joisey is only a five minute fly away, I think Nanny has some Pink wines in the frig if use would be thursday when use gets here.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Hey Tanner, Try not to collide when any jets when you are flying around. But if you happen to be flying over Montreal, you could drop Joey off at my house.
You are a super hero and your outfit fits that. Hope you have fun visiting Lillie and Liberty and eating all that mcdonalds.
Hey Super Tanner...Come visit me in CA! You'll love it here!!!
I could put on my Wonder Ruby cape and fly with you!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow we just read about how you saved Molly from being run over. You truly are a hero Tanner. Good job and that's some pretty impressive flying matie.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
This just proves how special you really are Tanner! Cook cape btw!
Ozzie & Rocky
Tanner: Teka says that is one cool cape, and when you get back from Lillie's place, can you stop by with a burger and some fries from Sonic please?
Great work finding Molly. I love your blog and hope you and Joe will visit mine. I wrote a post today about my son's wonderful dog, Jack. Most of my animal posts are about my, ahem, cat. I also post about politics. Hope you and your friends will visit my blog at
If you're flying over CT, stop in! We still have some of that 6' sandwich left and lots of pita chips and cheese popcorn! Unfortunately we ate all the donuts!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We know that you are SUPER, but didn't know that you could fly. You never cease to amaze us on a daily basis. We will take some of those kids meals. Maybe 50 or 1237,what ever you can carry
Super Stud that's you!! I love your outfit Tanner! It's sooooo you! Good job my friend!!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
You are a HOOT!
Oh, TANNER! I always knew you were MY hero! I'll be waiting for you to visit. Mom always takes the hooman pups to McDonalds and I know she'll take us with her!
That is a cool suit for a Super Hero.If youy are flying to Singapore to knock some bad guys down or save some dog, do nring some MacDonalds to our place.
Boy n Baby
Oh wow Tanner, you are really a superhero!! SO tell me, other than flying and saving damsels in distress, what other super powers do you have? Anything like power farts??!
If you don't mind, I'd like to place an order for 42,982 boxes of Chicken McNuggets please.
That's the coolest cape! But how did you hold all the food stuff? We can't even eat and walk at the same time. Must be your super powers!
Wiley & Fievel
Hi, Super Tanner!
Sure you are a hero! Your suit is great... even with the funny "S"!
Now, with your super powers you can go wherever you want!
Kisses and hugs
w2g Tanner. What a super hero you are. We have never met a super hero!
PS. my favorite and Mcy D's is the breakyfast menu. #3!
Man, you are one AMAZING super hero! I'll be sure to give you a call next time I need some saving (or McDonalds). On Saturday I'd like a double cheese burger and all the fries you can carry, okay? Have it here around 11 a.m. please. (You'll get a big tip if you get the grub here on time, bud.)
Goober love & super hero smooches,
Pee Ess
You look MAHvelous in that cape, man!
Wah Tanner, that is pawsome. You are a super hero. I hope you can fly here to visit us sometimes
~ Girl girl
I could eat a burger.
Wow! Mild mannered Doofus turning into Super Tanner! Pick me up some cheeseburgers if you're flying over Denver.
woofies and burfs tanner and joey....hmmm tanner, dat iz pawsome u iz a hero..and u fly good too...when u over NC send me a burger and fries...fank u verwy much...
b safe,
Hi Super Tanner,
Can you deliver some Big Mac, large fries and large coke to me, please?
I'll have a big mac and fries and a large coke, full fat.
Simba xx
You look Super Dooper Tanner! Could you pick me up some french fries when your done saving the world...
mmmmmm salty fat...
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Dexter here!
Tanner, you are a mighty super hero. Can I come to your place and take flying lessons?
You're a sooooperhero tanner! Could you get me some McD plain Beef Burgers? No sauce, no ketchup, no cucumbers. I want them plain. Me be waiting for you here.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Faster than a speeding rock Tanner! The greatest superhero of all time.
Can you drop some McNuggets off at my place?
Wow Tanner you are amazing.
Can you come rescue us the next time we have to go to the groomer (mama said sometime in June - so keep that month open)
Way to GO, Tan-man!
Play bows,
Hey Tanner,
If you're still in Florida, fly down our way so we can say Woof!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Transplante de Cabelo, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
What a Super Dude you are! We could use some Big Macs and Fries if you happen to fly over Georgia!
Poppy & Penny
Wow Tanner! You really are a hero!
I'll have to keep your number on speed dial in case "I'm ever holding out for a hero"
Love & Licks,
Super Tantasic Tanner! Wooooooo!
That is a great Super hero outfit. I found your blog off of Girl Girl's site. Nice to meet all of you!
Hope you can visit us!
Ordering...2 Big Macs,2 GIANT fries, 2 vanilla ice creams in cone, 2 cheesebergers,2 chicken mcnuggets,1 salad(for Aggie)and a fish sandwich(Archie is afraid that we might not have enough)Love A+A
Way to go, Tanner!! You are a true hero!!
It is just awesome how you can fly like that! If you fly to NY, you will be flying over Pennsylvania, too. Stop in and visit. We'll have some bones. I got lots.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Ooh, all those cheeseburgers and fries might slow down your flight Tanner. You don't need anything slowing you down!
Wow, Tanner! I had no idea about your secret super hero identity! But, I must say, I'm not at all surprised!
Good to know you are patrolling the skies looking out for us pups!
Winnie :-)
Purchasing memory is such a time consuming process... You have to Google prices, sort through which ones are legit, go out to a bunch of electronics shops,compare prices, finally buy your memory, and then fervently pray that the price doesn't fall in the next two weeks or so.
I've been f'd over by some ridiculous price drops in the past... especially this one time when I bought a Micro SD card for my DS flashcard at what I thought was a steal, only to later see that it fell five bucks in a week's time.
(Submitted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] NetSurf)
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