How does one file a Vet malpractice suit????
So we got the vet results on the blood work for Tanner. AGAIN the Dogtor referred to Tanner as NORMAL. NORMAL?!?!?! How can you use that term when describing this dog. Mom is so happy that they did not find anything in his blood but I am concerned with the care I am getting from a vet that calls the dog seen in the following photos as NORMAL?!?!?!

SERIOUSLY, something is NOT RIGHT with this dog?! He just gets over his tummy ache and Mom is feeding us a delicious banana again and she leans over to give me a bite when out of no where...DOOFUS SHARK ATTACK! He eats one big bite of the banana peel! He is probably going to barf that up now! argh!
Thanks for the feedback on the movie...part TWO will be up on Wednesday...stay tuned!!!!
34 Stains:
I'm very happy to hear that Tanner is OK. He looks a little funny on his back like that but he's cute just the same - but you're still the cutest Joey!!! Muah!!!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Tanner kinda looks a little like popeye in that last photo -arghghghghggh!
Was he roaching being a doofus! You better stay healthy Joe, who knows about that VET!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
hmm I think you might need a new vet. Or maybe just never go to the vet again at all.
I think Tanner is just so overjoyed at being called normal, he had to do a little dance on his back!
Whoa, Tanner, that is some world-class roaching! Glad your blood's good! :-)
And Joey? Didn't you know? Normal sucks. ;-)
Hi, Joey!
Looking at those pictures of Tanner I can see he is normal. Just look at him... he is acting like himself! But... maybe you should get a second opinion!
Kisses and hugs
We are glad to hear that Tanner is fine and normal. Probably what the doctor meant is Tanner is normal, he is being a doofus as he suppose to be so dont worry too much about it.
Boy n Baby
Oh, Joe. Normally we try to see the best in everydog but we have to agree with you here - Tanner is totally not normal. (But that's what makes him so lovable!!!) You guys crack us up!
Wiley & Fievel
Joey! You better get over there and check that vet's head. A banana peel? That is definitely not normal.
I can't wait for the next video ... tee hee!
Normal is only a state of mind. Tanner looks about as normal as you would expect from a doof.
Something is not right with him...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
i dunno much about law...but i think u need a lawyer, witness, evidence and .... something like that...
Umm.. I'm real glad to hear that Tanner's fine (notice I didn't use the word 'normal'?)
Are you sure you don't want to change vets??
We call Luciano "special". He sleeps in the same positions as Tanner. Maybe Tanner is "special" too?
We're glad that his BLOOD is normal.
wags from the whippets
Normal is different for everybody, Joey. Maybe those poses are normal for Tanner. He sure looks funny. Hehehe.
Anybody who eats the banana peel instead of the banana sets a new standard for normal.
I think our normal is at a higher level than his normal.
But he's still cute.
Koobuss Kisses,
It's me, Koobuss, again.
I forgot to say that we are glad to hear that Tanner is okay. What a relief!
(I got carried away with being normal.) Hehehe
More Koobuss Kisses,
Hey, if you find out how to file malpractice suits, let me know. My vet still insists I am too fat!
Well, maybe the vet meant to say 'strangely normal'?
Tanner looks cute with one eye closed!
Good evening joey.
The stomach is put out, and it is unquestionable for tanner.
There is a problem of the head there. :)
from loved ume tyan
Apart from his eyes, he looks like a very laid back doggie to me.
Simba xx
What a goof. Has he no shame?
I did my own extensive research and I believe Tanner may be suffering from goofballitus, unfortunatley it is not curable and goofiness (a side effect) gets increasingly apparent.
I once ate some banana peel, I didn't puke it up but i had the stinkiest farts ever.. so you may want to stay well clear of him for a while!!
Glad to here goofball's... oops Tanner's.. bllodworks came back ok.
Ben xxxxx
Glad Tanner is OK. Can't imagine banana skin is all that tasty or easy to digest though, what a doofuss!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Those are some of the MOST outrageously idiotic poses the Doofus has ever given us. Please give him a big goober smooch from us for cracking us up!
Joe, think of it this way. Tanner's Doofusism only highlights your qualities as the best lookin' dog on the internet!
Goober love,
Pee Ess
Now don't forget to give him a smooch from us, okay?
Well, Joe, I think that Tanner is normal because I am normal and I lay on my back just like Tanner a lot. So that settles that!
(I might even eat an banana peel if I had the chance...)
They didn't test his brain though, right?
Tanner looks pretty normal to us! hehehehehe
Great pictures!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Biped English is funny. One word can have several meanings. "Normal" might not really mean the "normal" you and I think it does.
Play bows,
I'm glad Tannew is "OK"?????!!
Ow aat least as OK as Tannew can be, hehehe....but you gotta admit, he's kind of a doofussy way..I wanted to come and give his belly a big smooch..hope he doesn't bawf up the nanana peel
smoochie kisses
woofies and burfs Tanner and Joey...heehee we loved all dose picturs, esp the last one...we shure glad tanner iz ok...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
He would probably say Archie was "OK' also...I would consider a change...Love A+A
LOL! Tanner is hilarious!
That's great that Tanner is ok!!
That last photo of him is a little odd....
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