WHATTTTTTTTTTSSSSUUUUUPPPPPP!!!!!!! OMDOG since we had our last talking I was gone to the VET allll day!!! I got squeezed and poked and the VET stoled my blood and made one bruise the size of a golf ball on my NECK! I RUNNED out of there when Mom and Dad came to get me and I was yelling SCREW YOU BIT%#S!
Thanks to you all for saying get better and good stuff like that for me when I was at the VET!
The VETS said I was Normal but JOEY said NO way. I don't think I am normal either, I am TANTASTIC!!!!!! I can do lots of things that one NORMAL dog can't do! WATCH!

I can reads all about WINES and I know lots of grapes and I know that even though GRAPES make BAD KidKnees for dogs I can still KNOW about the wine, ok?

I work this computer! I can make it go to the internets and I can make it play music and I can make it find pictures like THIS!

I give you one guess what that CAT is saying...oh ya, WHATSSSSSSSUUUUUUUPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
OK also this is a good one...

I can play those drums. I am going to be in a BAND someday and we are going to be called TANTASTIC VOYAGE! I bet you'd buy my record right?!
SO I want to say that I am NOT normal, I am TANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
33 Stains:
Tanner, of course, we would purchase your cd with your new band, when it is formed, and when you cut a deal with a record company, or finance it yourself. Or, get John Hancock to sign you up.
And.. We are all DEEElighted that you are Tantastic!
Tanner you are SO aren't normal. No, not ever! And yes, you are totally TANTASTIC! Now that deserves a W00t!!! So W00t!
And yes, I will buy your record!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey Tantastic!! Sorry to read about your run in with the VET. I know all about it. Those people are EVIL.
I would totally be your roadie. I'm pretty strong.
It's true, you are Tantastic!
That is so Tanneriffic I could squee! Glad you are ok! ok!
Hi, Tanner!
Glad to know that you are feeling Tantastic!
Kisses and hugs
Can I be in the band?
Yes, we will buy your record.. cos u are TANATASTIC!!!!!
Boy n Baby
Tanner! I was wondering if I could get a pawtographed copy of your upcoming album from Tantasic Voyage....PLEASE!
I think you are SPECIAL!~ Not "not normal" just special!
Love & Licks,
Hi Tanner,
Yes yes..we can tell how tantastic u are feeling right now. Way to go DUDE. :)
I would cewtainly buy youw wecowd..when is it coming out???
I hope Joey is happy that he has been pwoven awe not nowmal....and no Momi's shoes didnot splode, they mowe like bwoke and , well akshually maybe splode is wight
smoochie kisses
Fantantastic!!! That is you!
wags from the uncharacteristically brief whippets
Hey Tantastic Tanner. I'm not sure what normal is but I don't think you are. Why be normal?
They broke the mold after they made you dude! You are pretty Tantastic!
You sure are tantasic Tanner. :) I would buy your record!
~ Girl girl
Hi Joe Stains! You are so deliciously cute.
You asked on Lola's blog what Habs are. That's a nickname for our NHL hockey team, Les Montreal Canadiens. They're in the playoffs now and Montreal is crazy with hockey right now. Habs is short for the word "Habitats" which is the French name given to the original settlers of New France in the l7th century. Now "habitant" usually just means the people who live in a certain place. Our team got the nickname because they're our home team...Just so you know...
Glad your visit to the vet is over. Isn't it just the worst place to be? Last week I left a big puddle in the lobby before I left just to let them know what I thought.
xox Chef
Hi Tanner,
Let me know when your Tantstic CD will be out in the shops.. I'll most defintely support it!
wow so many talents. You are not normal you are Tantastic!!
Simba xx
You betcha that we'd be buying your CD Tanner!
You are definitely Tantastic! What was that vet thinking??
We think you're pretty TANTASTIC too! Put us down for 10 of your CD's!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You DA MAN Tanner! Rock on dude!
Glad you're doing OK. I was worried about you!
Wigglebutt Wags,
Lola Smiles
Tanner use is so talented, I will buys use record toos.
Hugs, Bellyrubs,Smoochies
pee-ess Glads use feely betterest
Tantastic is the best way to describe you.
Tantastic! I love it! Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
PS: Mom says it would be "snooter smoochies" for you and Joey. I have no idea what she's talking about.
I'm convinced! You are TANATSTIC TANNER!
And yes, I'd like to buy one of your records and I'd like it autographed, please.
We agree you are not normal, but normal like age is just a state of mind. Normal is sooooooo boring anyway.
Mr Tantastic,
I will definitely get your album when its released. Please keep me posted about it ok?
Tantastic Tanner Boy!
That is THE word for you, man! It should be in the dictionary with your photo right next to it!
I too am a drummer. Want to jam with me and the rest of the dogs in Sophie's band?
Goober love,
Tanner can Archie be in your band? Love A+A
woofies and burfs Tanner, we wood buy u cd too...and we cant wait till it comes out...
b safe,
Yes, you are Tantastic, Tanner!!
Koobuss Kisses,
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