YO Whatsssuuppp?!?! HOw did I do THIS you might say? WELL Joe said OH NO they want to take me to that VET for teeth cleaning, so then he runned away. SO I SAID maybe I should try this sleeping bag???

OMDOG I am kind of scared some that JOE might come back and be like GET OUT OF THERE you MEN US. He calls me Men Us sometimes, I don't know what that means??????

BUT so Now I am comfy I can tell you that JOE got an appointment for Feb you airy 20th just to have that VET look inside his smelly mouth. MOM said THANKS for all those sug suje sugje, IDEAS on fixing Joes MOUTh. THE PROBLEM is this one spot in the FRONT of his teeth and it has some brown FUNK in there that MOM can't seem to scrape off with a toofinbrush. AND his breath smells like really STINKY poo. SO we are going to have that VET stick her head in there and see what she says.
OMDOG WHATSSUUUUPPPPP This sleeping bag RULES!!!!!!!!!!! HAve a Great WEEKEND!!!!!!
25 Stains:
Mmm... Tanner that looks really comfy! zzZZZzzZ... We hope they fix Joe's tooth with no problem. Bajas got a real stinky mouth a while ago and had to have the big tooth and the little tooth next to it removed because stuff got stuck there and rot and then his mouth rot and got all stinky and ouchy.. Just in case they did it on both sides so now he probably won't have more surgery! (His mouth is not stinky any more, but they couldn't fix his farts..)
The WriggleButts
Wow, I mean WOW! I have the same thing, and the lady has tried to brush it off, scrape it, and it is still there, right smack in my front teeth and it is STANKIE! We'll be curious what the vet says. I'm supposed to go in the first week of March to have it looked at. All I can say is, I'm too young to have teeth problems.
Ew! I take back my comment on not nading to go to the vet. If there's funk in your mouth, you should definately go. While Joe is at the vet that day I'll be celebrating my birthday! Hope they can get the funk out easily and fast.
Enjoy the sleeping bag while you can! If he has to go to the vet, he's going to be a little grumpy.
If you are really lookin' for Mr. Joe Stains, I might know where he are. But...I might not, too.
You look VERY cute on Joey's sleeping bag, Tanner!
Good luck to Joe on the teeth thingy!
I hope Joe doesn't thwow you out of that sleepy bag.it looks sooo comfy!!
Tell Joe it will be OK..I'm suwe the dogtow won't huwt him and he'll be even mowe handsome than befowe ..just in time fow ouw pawteeee
smoochie kisses
Hey Tanner,
Well I am 5 and the vet said it's teeth cleaning time, and wanted to do all the pre blood work so I could go under. My Mom a worry wort too! Anwyas I had a stinky breath tarter thingy going on and Mom bought some Clorehexidene chew the vet sells, they recommended, and lo and behold they have taken my tarter all away and bad breath...true story and my mom is so happy...you want to know more let me know, ok
What if they want to get your teef cleaned too Tanner ?
joe ran away? That isn't good. I hope he comes back soon.
I have stinky breath too...It's pretty bad. I hope I don't have to get my teeth cleaned next month!
Love, Hercules
Hi, Tanner!
Enjoy Joe's sleeping bag as much as you can because when he gets back.... oh-oh! you will be in trouble!
Tell Joe I am sending him good vibes for his vet visit! I am sure everything is going to be ok!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Tanner, that sleeping bag certainly looks comfy. If there was room for a fridge and a TV in there I'd never come out! J x
Tanner, I bet that sleeping bag is really comfortable! Oh oh, your teefies gonna get tortured too! Good luck!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh No..Joe ran away? That sounds serious. You don't seem too upset Tanner..
What'll happen if he comes home and catches you in his sleeping bag?????
You look pretty comfy in Joey's sleeping bag, Tanner! He'll make you pay for that, ya know! We sure hope his teefie cleaning goes okay! Keep us updated!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
err... this message is for joey. have you ever tried chewing on bones? mom gave me one of those from time to time. my teeth are CLEAN SUPER CLEAN SHINING CLEAN! if you chew bones, you won't have tartar in your teeth.
wet wet licks
Did yuz know dat yu is a dawg? I izn't . I is a cat and we is 'posed to be n-m-ees. I fink yuz looks frendly so I iz gonna take a chance to be frenz. Dis is Phinney dat boycat. I hast use my brofur ed's blog 'cause dat peep lady sez we gotz to share. Come visit sometime. We haz a dawg at our house. His name is Sam. He duzn't blog cause hez old and hiz fingers got arf-rit-us.
You need one of those cool sleeping bags. That orange is a good color for you. Maybe you and Joe can get in a fight over it, rip it in two and both of you get half. Not a good plan. Forget I mentioned it.
i got a sleeping bag myself..is blue..
btw...dentist are the scary-est creature on earth...
That sleeping bag looks lovely and snuggly!
Glad your ma found the plaque off stuff, let us know how you get on with it. It takes 5 or 6 weeks to see good results.
Toodle pip
Harry x
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Tanner: hang in there buddy. Them teeth are going to be OK. My mom gives me lotsa raw bones to get rid of the goeey stuff on my teeth. You sure a cute lil' guy. Luv ya, Wigglebutt wags, LOLA
You better not get your stink on Joe's bag.
Tanner,you look cute IN JOEYS bag but make sure you don't get too comfy!!!!!!!! Love A+A
you are such a cute man when you are doing your bed stealings tanner!
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