Just wanted to say HAPPY SATURDAY!!

I will be right here all weekend if you need me...

Doofus will be around looking like this. His eyes are all goopy from allergies (its our growing season in AZ so everything is blooming) so excuse his gross eye. He is such a MESS!
Oh and remember this thing....

Oh ya, he lasted one week. Which is a lot longer than any other plush toy ever has in this house, so Nylabone gets a C+ for this thing.
8 Stains:
Hope Doofus' eyes will get better soon. By the way, I couldn't make heads or tails out of that toy :P
you will have to write nylobone a letter....maybe they will send you some free stuff...none of my toys last more than a few hours with the squeaker...it is so fun....tell Doofus i have alergy eyes too...my mommy puts visine in them..i hate it..but apparently it works...
Wow! Nice kill on the sheep!! Congrats!
I have a question, is Tanner the blogger or Doofus?
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Tanner is THE doofus. I am the blogger, joe stains
Hehehehee...sorry about the confusion Joe.
Come check out the Christmas Card exchange here and see if you are interested ok??
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
My brother Willie has icky eyes too...his face is stained. But he is alays outside hunting squirels.
okay so i am sorry you had such a humdrum saturday..but it is wednesday...and MJ is wondering what you are up to....
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