exploding doofus
Last night mom and dad went to their friend's house for a little bit. While they were gone Doofus Face Tanner got SO sick. Sicker than I ever got. He threw up on the couch, twice, on the floor in every room in the house and he even threw up on the fire place. He was very sad when mom and dad got home because he even threw up in his house. Mom and Dad were really scared and I was feeling guilty even though I didn't do a thing! Mom gave him a bath and sat with him and gave him little bits of water all night. Today, he is feeling a lot better, has eaten some food and ice cubes and is now happily chewing on his nylabone keys. He took a solid poop this afternoon and you would have thought he crapped out a gold brick the way my mom was so happy. BUT anyway, all is well in here and thank goodness for Bissel carpet cleaner machines. This morning mom found a half eaten rotten grapefruit in the yard, so we are fairly certain that Doofus decided to snack on some gross fruit. He really needs to take some lessons from me on proper yard etiquette. Mom felt bad because she didn't pick them up before he ate them :(
On with some pictures!
Mom got us this new bed for some reason, I don't understand it because I sleep in MY big bed and they share it with me. As I said, I didn't understand what that stupid thing was for, so the first night mom came looking for me and I was sleeping underneath it. She laughed at me but I am not sure why, it was pretty comfy under there.
Doofus making a doofus face
That is about as close as I am getting to Tanner until I am sure he is not going to barf or poop all over the place again. I mean, who throws up on the fireplace?!?!
See, now this is my bed....
OK thank you for reading, you are all dismissed...
3 Stains:
Mmm, rotten produce. I like to go in my mom's garden and snack on the tomatoes that have fallen off. I've never gotten sick from them though. Poor you, it must be so hard to live with someone who barfs on the fireplace. Any self respecting dog knows you’re supposed to barf on the bed.
You really need to come to my neighborhood, where steaks, fried chicken, and half-eaten hamburgers line the streets of Southeast Baltimore like gold.
Hmmm... exploding doofus... that gives me an idea!
Perhaps we could strap a timer to doofus's stubby tail and send him across enemy lines. Then, when the timer goes off - he'll chase his tail, thereby making himself really really dizzy -
And thus shower the enemy with rancid fruit cocktail.
Does doofus-face even have a tail? If so, I'll start working on a prototype tail-timer.
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