Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thunder town

First of all I have to apologize because Mom has NOT been commenting on blogs. She said she is reading just not commenting. WHATEVER. We are sorry guys.

Lots of dogs told us about the Thunder shirts and Thunder vests so I think Mom is going to order me one. I don't think they are very manly, but thats ok I guess.

Yesterday Mom went to see the Dbacks play the Pittsburgh pirates, she took her Huffle Duffle that the Army of Four's Mom made for her. It was pawesome! The Dbacks won so Tanner was happy.

I have just been enjoying my Snuggins and avoiding the Doofus...

Who is busy being a MAJOR kiss up Doofus.

It is still SUPER hot here, but in the mornings I can still work on my tan. My poos are still runny sometimes and ok sometimes, so lets hope this stuff just takes a while to work. Ike's Mom suggested some probiotics too, but what happens if I take PRO biotic with ANTI biotic?!?! I don't want to think about it right now, I just want to catch some rays.

34 Stains:

Blogger Teddy said...

Ooh, Joey I can see you are getting very tanned, but shouldn't you wear some sunglasses? You don't want to get a squinty look ;)

You snuggle ball looks really wonderful. Just don't let Tanner take it over.


7:44 PM  
Blogger The Oceanside Animals said...

Usually people take off their tuxes when they're trying to tan, Joey!

7:52 PM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Hi, Joey!
I hope that t-shirt helps you to feel better when there are storms!
Sure you enjoyed your sunbath!
Kisses and hugs

8:41 PM  
Blogger Ian said...

Ike's mom here - do the antibiotic first, then give the probiotic later. You will have to continue the probiotic after the antibiotics are done. There will be some probiotic death from the antibiotics.
Ike here - whatever.

9:36 PM  
Blogger MJ's doghouse said...

looking good handsome

10:42 PM  
Blogger Noah the Airedale said...

Joey, your tan is looking fine matie. That is a sweet piccie of your dad & doofus & the one of yourself in the basket is sweet to.

11:44 PM  
Blogger Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Joey,
Mom went to the pet store to pick up some kibbles for us and we saw a pup for sale there which is a replica of Tanner, right down to that dot on his head!!
Hope that the Thunder shirts work for you..

12:38 AM  
Blogger Simba and Jazzi said...

Nice tan you are getting there. We don't know what happens it mix the pro with the anti, does it just cancel them both out????

Simba and Jazzi xx

1:30 AM  
Blogger Abby said...

Hi, Joey...

I hope your Thunder Shirt works for you...

The tan is looking great...

Abby xxxooo

2:32 AM  
Blogger Bae Bae said...

Your tan looks pawsome. Did you apply sunscreen?

~ Bae

2:51 AM  
Blogger NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Auntie Di asked about woo again!

BTW, I think Abby will be having a pawty since she'll be staying home!

Please tell Doofus'ssssss D-bakhks to NOT mess with Mom's Phillies!

Jake and JH's Khards were in town and we ruffled their feathers fur two of the games!

Paws khrossed woo khan find some storm relief!


2:51 AM  
Blogger Dexter said...

Might as well try the thunder vest. It can't be worse than going into vibration mode in the bathroom, right? I am sure they come in manly colors.


3:46 AM  
Blogger Mack said...

I have my dewclaws crossed that thunder vest will work for ya Joey!

I see your tan is coming along nicely.

4:14 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Hi Joey, During storms Probert just wears any tight shirt and it makes a big difference! The storm wraps are kind of pricey, so you could always try that first! :)

4:54 AM  
Blogger Patience-please said...

Sheeeetz!!! (Sorry - got nostalgic. We don't have them here.)
Hope your poo's not goo soon!!!

wags from the whippets

5:07 AM  
Blogger Boo Casanova said...

hmm... is that why you are called tan-ner?

wet wet licks


6:59 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

Let us know how the thunder shirt works for you, Joey! We're guessing you'll be storing it in the bathroom so it's available when you need to put it on quickly!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

10:44 AM  
Blogger The Army of Four said...

Maybe the Huffle Duffel brought the D-backs good luck! Your mom should go to every game!
PS: She looks very beautiful with her bag!

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such spoiled doggies. Tanner is a total baby.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Joey, My manly dude. You are manly no matter what you wear. Mom says to take those pro-Bs after you take those Anti-Bs. That will help you get the good Bs. I sure hope your poops get better.


P.S. One more week until I get home

11:38 AM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

The foot part was HELL! Actually most of it was hell - the flowers have 3 layers of color! Anyway - you should check out the artist next time you are in town - I know you two are tattoo aficionados. Her name is Megan Hoogland. She works out of Mankato but does a couple days a week at Leviticus Tattoo. Her prices are pretty reasonable considering how talented she is. Check out the Norman Rockwell on her site. It's crazy. It was done on another artist, and the real thing is insane!

11:52 AM  
Blogger ♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Joey, enjoy the sun but don't get too much - not good for you. Sorry the meds aren't working fully yet. You do look quite comfy on your new bed there. Thunder said to tell you that he is in no way responsible for those shirts but if they work, then go for it.

woos, the OP Pack

12:22 PM  
Blogger Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Joe, I hope you are using some sunscreen, you don't want to overdue it. I like to lay in the frontroom when the sun is shining in. I hope your poos are getting better. That pro and anti medicine stuff is confusing.

licks and sniffs, Sasha
p.s. say hi to Tanner, please

1:14 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Thunder vests..yeah ...haaaa...sounds like a name for shirts for making really loud farts in..woohooo!!

Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xxx

2:37 PM  
Blogger Stella said...

Hi Joe!

I think its that the antibiotic kills the bad bacterias but also takes some of the good bacterias out of you and the probiotics put it back in. Sploding! My Mom is taking some now and then she takes the pro stuff after. It works good.


4:33 PM  
Blogger wally said...

Pro + Antibiotic = SUPERBIOTIC!

I hope your belly is better by tomorrow. What if I fly into town with the Phillies and we have to go to the game and eat footlong hotdogs???

wally t.

4:45 PM  
Blogger Asta said...

I hope you'we weawing sunblock on youw delicate'we about as white as a fuwwkid can get (also as black ,but how do you just expose youw black pawts, hmmmmmso confoosing.
I'm glad you have youw snuglleball to sooth you while youw poo makes up its mind .
Huwwah fow Tannew's tema,I'm suwe he's vewy happy
smoochie kisses

9:47 PM  
Blogger umekotyan said...

Good evening joey
The damage of the tornado occurs also in Japan as abnormal weather continues.
Peacefully, it spends it in the house.
The light of the wonderful sun is missed, and the heat a pardon. :D

from loved ume tyan

4:50 AM  
Blogger Tee said...

wooo stains! At a glance (last photo) we thought we were looking at a wabbit!! Heheh.

Glad to hear your poos getting less runny ...

Licks and wags

Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack

6:28 AM  
Blogger Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Joey....ya gotta come and see this burger bed we'd just love it!!!!!

Pity bout the Pirates losin'...and PITY THEY SENT ADAM LAROCHE UP TO ARCHIE...sheeshch...WHO IS MANAGIN' THIS TEAM???

We actually have a daily article entitled "When They Beat 500...Way Back When..." which talks about that last season in the early 90's like it's happenin' today...GRRRRRRR....



7:41 AM  
Blogger Petra said...

I'm glad your enjoying the lazy days of summer, Joey.

And how about my Cubbies? They're doing pretty good right now!

9:05 AM  
Blogger Stanislaw said...

DUDE! Probiotics taste like delicious feasts! Bro and I get a big tablespoon of whole milk plain yogurt EVERY morning and we always eat it before we attack our meat. It is SO GOOD!!! And it makes me go bonkers frozen in a puzzle toy. DELISH!

Mom's dorkus notes:
Probiotics are found in higher quantities in yogurt with more fat in it, so whole milk plain yogurt obviously offers the best dose. Also, slippery elm powder can really help stop the squirts - it's a fiber that expands like goo in the gut in firms everything up while protecting the intestine. You need a VERY LITTLE bit as it's extremely effective stuff. Just don't give at the same time as medicine as it may prevent the proper absorption of that. (Search Stan's blog for more info if you're interested.) L-glutamine can also help the digestive system repair itself - we're big fans.

Feel better doofus dude man!

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mom looks awesome with her Huffle Dufffle!!!

7:38 AM  
Blogger Lola Smiles said...

Joey Baby, I hope you get the gutz under control soon. I had some really bad poos when I was younger. Mom was sad & scared about my tummy. Vet prescribed us this great Probiotic paste called 'acute care' - and mom claims it was the miracle drug (it cured what no antibiotic was able to do!) - ask your vet about it.

7:01 PM  

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