Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Le Package!

We got a package yesterday, and it was addressed to my Mom in care of Tan Torkelson...

Oh dear, I'd be suspect if I didn't see that it was from Beckett! He is my gorgeous girlfriend's twinner. Unlike Scooter and Tanner, they actually look exactly alike. Speaking of Scooter...rumor has it Tanner may not have dropped him off at home as he is still MIA. If you happen to see him wandering around PLEASE call Scooter's Mom or Sunny.

Anyway... inside the box was a note...

pressie from Beckett
Mom cooks and she has ruined SO many of her shirts by getting food on them and Beckett's Mom is a master sewing lady, so she made Mom a smock!! How cool is that?

OK so here she is modeling it and making a Doofus Face. She would also like me to tell you that she is NOT pregnant she is just standing funny because of Tanner's SUBSTANTIAL weight. Seriously, the dog weighs like 300 lbs.

THANKS Beckett and Beckett's talented lady for the cool smock!!!

20 Stains:

Blogger Lacey said...

How cool that your mom got a smock so her clothes don't get dirty when she cooks. Do you ever get to lick her clothes when she's done. We bet all that cooking she does tastes delicious.

Our girl promises that she put your package in the mail yesterday, so keep an eye out for it.

6:14 PM  
Blogger NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


He's even bigger than Mango!

Your mom is furry special to attempt such a feat!

That was furry khool of Bekhkett's mom to do that fur JOEY'S MOM!


6:54 PM  
Blogger Beckett said...

My mom is wearing her smock right now. It totally saved her shirt tonight! It was fun to make that for your mom.

But she is not a master sewer. Just the other night she made PJ shorts that were like six inches too big for her. LOL

Beckett Brador

7:13 PM  
Blogger The Oceanside Animals said...

Cool smock! I only have a boring blue apron. (Did I just admit that?)

7:13 PM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Beckett and his mom made a pawesome smock! I know your mom will be happy wearing it!
Kisses and hugs

Now, I am worried for Scooter!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Lacy said...

w00f's, thats a cool smock they maded fur ur mama...heehee my mama iz a slouch cooker..

b safe,

7:36 PM  
Blogger Abby said...

Hi, Joey & Tanner...

That's a great smock...

My Mom could use one of those whenever she is in the kitchen...

It's a joke in our house that you can always tell what's for dinner by looking at my Mom's shirt...

Abby xxxooo

7:55 PM  
Blogger MJ's doghouse said...

oh my god Torkelson i was so worried that she made YOU a smock...that would havce sucked cuz you would have had to wear it to be polite...close call my buddy...close call...your mama does look quite adorable in it though

8:24 PM  
Blogger Astrid Keel said...

That is so cool!!! Your mom looks wonderful in the apron. I bet you help her with the clean-up in the kitchen... cleaning up all the little splitches and splotches that end up on the floor!!!

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, what a nice thing for Beckett's mom to do. That's such a cute picture of your mom and Tanner.

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

8:33 PM  
Blogger the TN Bull Terrors said...

Very cool smock! Now, where the heck is Scooter???

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^

8:37 PM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

My mom thinks that super cute!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Huskee and Hershey said...

That's one cool smock!! Beckett's mom is so talented.. The only thing that makes our mom spend more than 5min in the kitchen is when she is cooking food for us (she's not too good with hooman food..), and even then, she makes a mess of her clothes!! Somehow, it just happens that whenever she is cooking, she is wearing a white/ light colored top! LOL!!
Loved the pic of Tanner and your mom!

11:46 PM  
Blogger Mack said...

That smock is pawsome!

Tanner, you're definitely a member of the substantial BT club (like ME!)

How thoughtful of Beckett's momma to make that for your mom!

1:10 AM  
Blogger Dexter said...

WOW! Your mom must be HUGE (and I mean that in the nicest way) to hoist that beefy little dude. Is he made out of lead?

Nice smock with those paislies. At least your mom actually cooks.

BTW - Do you know Pappy? He got abducted by aliens?
Hope that didn't happen to Scooter.

2:54 AM  
Blogger Martha said...

What a cool present! Your mom looks very stylish.
Martha & Bailey xx

5:53 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

What a cool smock! Your mom looks great in it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

10:01 AM  
Blogger ♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Isn't that nice? We need one for our Dad because he is always spilling his food on his shirts and then Mom is always complaining about the stains. In fact, she told the kids to buy him an apron for Father's Day:)

woos, the OP Pack

4:16 PM  
Blogger Stella said...

A masterful job of sewing! We used to just call them aprons, but I guess things have changed.

You will enjoy wearing this when you are cooking your wonderful Dining Alone meals!


9:43 AM  
Blogger TwoSpecialWires said...

So here's what we are guessing about smocks.... (btw... your mom looks doggone dandy in her new one!).... they are good for wiping hands on as moms cook. That means they are good for rolling around in and LICKING when they hit the sorted pile of laundry, lying on the floor, waiting to be washed. And if there are pockets.... tidbits often fall in them. You may have hit the jackpot! Hidden treats!

We love it.
Stay away from open fires.

Jake and Fergi

7:33 AM  

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