Come to Florida!!!
OMDOG it is Tuesday and Joey was SO BAD making poo stains on that couch and all he does is WHINE about how cold it is so I thought I'd get him out of here for a while so MOM didn't kill him and so he'd SHUT UP!
I decided to fly he and his Girlfriend SOPHIE to Florida. He is also a little scared that LACIE wants to go on a date with him so he really wanted to get OUTTA town!!!

Joey wasn't sure how warm it would be so he wanted to wear his shirt. I THINK he was just embarrassed to show Sophie his BALDness. LOL Sophie got really bored just laying on that beach, so she wanted to go SWIM!

Since JOEY is such a big BABY about that water, he rented a JET SKI! What a clever dude!!
While Joey was playing with Sophie and warming up I visited my old friend Liberty, the Princess of Sparkle!!! She moved BACK to Florida last year!! She so totally lives with a CAT now, omdog, it is HUGE and scary looking. We stayed on our own side of the couch. I wore my sweater since I wanted to fly to see my WIFE Lillie too!!!

I hope you guys are all staying WARM and having a GOOD last few days of 2008!!!!
37 Stains:
Tan! I like Joey better when he's not staining, but I suspect he made a few when he rode that jet ski. Swimming is much better. I also like to build sand castles and search for cat poop at the beach. Tell Joey okay?
P.S. Also tell Joey, I may not be able to protect him from Lacie. She's offering to take me out for coffee and stuff, and well, that might lead to lunch, and well, that's food, you know?
Ah, you boys really know how to get out of the trouble you get into! Very clever, flying to Florida, and leaving your Mom home to clean up your messes!
I can't believe you & Tuffie were out frolicking in the sea! sooo lucky.
We have been living like hermits here.
Sad I am.
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Hey Joe! Can I go with you too?
I see that Lacie is trying to bribe SB as well!
Lacie was SOOOOOO sure I had the wrong idea of what kind of khanine she was that she ofFURed to meet in Breezewood at Starbarks...she didn't show!
I hope woo were kind enough to khover SB with some sunskhreen - her delikhate kholour and all!
The shirt is a good idea, you don't want to get sunburn and go all pink and start to peel....that would really gross Sophie out big time.
Noah x
Tanner wish I could add you to our doggies. You are SO CUTE and SWEET.
Woo. Your girlfriend may live with a cat, but she ALSO lives with someone who has a very lovely quilt!
Can you fly us somewhere cold and snowy? It's been really hot here.
What a great idea to head to Florida to spend time with Sophie, Joey! Have a great time jetskiing!
Yer friend,
Mitch, who is looking forward to Maggie coming home tonight!
Hey Tanner. If ya see the Barkie Boys, say HI for us. We miss themn
gussie n teka
That jet ski was a great idea!
Maybe Joe'll get brave and take his shirt off!
Sun, how awesome! We're jsut catching up after being gone for a while and the lady can't stop laughing at Joey getting stuck in his shirt. She is so mean to think that is funny, she also laughed at me when I wouldn't move in my shirt. She deserved coal in her stocking (or a poop ball)
Hy Joey you sure Florida is FAR enough away from Lacie, being the same country and all? She chased a kittie all the way to Italy remember....maybe you did - is that why you did all that staining??!!
Wags, Eric x
oh wow, Sophie looks more than a match in that photo, for wee Joey!
Joe looks a bit petrified methinks!
I hope he does not get too frightened and produce more stains.
I know he is the Stainmaster but there is politeness when ladies like Sophie are around.
Happy New Year to you all and not too many dramatic stains........
love and stainfree licks, Marvin xxxx (at the moment anyways!)
Wow.. I'd like to be in Joey's shoes.. He got to make a huge stain and then got to go on a vacation with Sophie! (Do you think if I make a big stain my mom will let me go on a date with Baby?)
Can't wait to hear about your date with your wife, Tanner!'s Lacie here...(she giggles wildly...)
Joey...did you honestly walk/roll in poo and smear it all over you sofa?? GROOOOOOOSSSSSS!!!
Sounds like Tanner could nominate ya for the doofus award!!!
OK...the zoo date is sooooooooooo on...(Lacie giggles even more uncontrollably...)
Just let me get my plans in order.
Hi, Tanner!
You are a good brother! I am sure Joey appreciated that you took him there with Sophie!
Kisses and hugs
You are such a good brother to Joey, and you were able to get in a visit with your Princess of Sparkle. Good thinking.
DO make sure Joe wears plenty of sunscrean on his white parts... we don't want him getting all blistered. If that happens Sophie won't even be able to touch him, he'll be in so much pain!
Goober love,
wow tanner..did you use dsome kind of spell to put that there cat in a coma....he looks dead...good for is also very good of you to take joe away to get him out of are a coolest brother..
w00f's Joey and tanner, hmmm tan, me iz wondering how did ya find florida wiffout ur twinner, Scooter...joey and SB wu lookin reely happy on the beach..
b safe,
Oh we sure wish we were in Flooorida with you guys. Have fun!
wags from the whippets
Looks like you had a fun date with Sophie...
Pooped from celebrating,
Solid Gold Dancer
Merry Christmas guyz! Looks like you are ringing out the old year doing lots of fun stuff!
Ozzie & Rocky
Happy New Year you two!
I am sooooo jealous!
happy new years eve to you joey & tanner!!WHOOO HOOOOOOO!!
Hi-Woo Guyz,
Happy Furry New Year to U & yur family!!!
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
PEE ESS - U 2 are so funny! Can't wait til yur next post.
You got to be kidding, how could Sophie got bored laying on the beach next to Joey?
And Joey made a few more stains when he rode that jet ski?
I hope Joey could get your deposit back on that ski rental!
Happy New Year, Joey & Tanner!! I hope you and your girlfriends have a wonderful year ahead!
Teddy, CC-man and T-man Angel
A trip to Florida and one super good poop stain. Can it get any better.
Nice move sending Joey into the witness protection program to get away from that Lacie stalker.
P.S. Its 8 degrees here.
Happy, new year Joey.
This year must be a good year.
Happiness and the wonderful future are put. :D
from loved ume tyan
Happy New Year, Joey and Tanner! Your family, too! Have a great 2009!!
You have a wife and a girlfriend???? Maybe you shouldn't be telling us all this. Yikes!!
Koobuss Kisses,
Happy New Year Joey amd Tanner,
Looks like you guys had a pawsome Christmas just like I did.
We had a scarey start to 2009. The Mommy is gonna post about it tonight.
You haven't forgotten about my snpw post have you. We're doing it this weekend so if you boys want to be a part of it e-mail us a picture.
Love ya Kits...Mona
What???? You went to Florida and didn't visit me? I am so crushed!
Hope you kids have a great 2009.
That was so vewy considewate of you to give Joey such a faboolous tweat to end the yeaw wif..Joey and Sophie on the beach..awwwwwwww
I hope you had a chance to see youw wife Lillie on the way
smoochie kisses
Hey Tanner! That was awful nice of you to send Joey and Sophie to Florida! he looks totally alarmed on the beach, he must have been thinking about how that EVIL water!
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