Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!!


28 Stains:

Blogger The Oceanside Animals said...

happy mothers day joe stains and tanners mama!!!!! ok bye

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks from my mom, Joey and Tanner. What a cute card! And a very happy Mother's Day to your mom, too!

See ya!

11:21 AM  
Blogger Abby said...

Hi, Joey & Tanner...

My Mom says Thanks!!

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom, too...

Abby xxxooo

11:26 AM  
Blogger NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mom!

I'm sure woo two will make her day furry special!


11:28 AM  
Blogger Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...

Happy Mother's Day to Joey and Tanner's Mom! Hope she gets some
really good eats in.

Frankie, Maddie and DomiNo

11:59 AM  
Blogger wally said...

That is most wonderful!

wally t.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Mack said...

Happy Momma's Day to Mrs. Stains too!!

Be sure and give her lots of sugars (and no stains!)

2:56 PM  
Blogger Jake of Florida said...

We do love our moms, don';t we!!!

No matter what we say and do.

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom too.

Jake and Just Harry

3:00 PM  
Blogger Stanislaw said...

What a fancy card, dudes! You both look totally PUMPED on there. Were you good to your human mom today?

And man... I don't get any fatter! My people have tried and I eat like a horse. The vet says I'm in perfect health and some day my metabolism will catch up with me. I hope it never does because as a skinny boy I get to feast on double portions. Delish!

3:58 PM  
Blogger Beckett said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mom too!


4:42 PM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!
I hope you all had a pawesome day!
Kisses and hugs

6:10 PM  
Blogger Huskee and Hershey said...

Happy MOther's Day to your Mommy!!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Asta said...

No Mothew could be happiew than the one who has you two fow kids..Happy Mothew's day Joe and Tannew's Mommi!!
smoochie kisses

9:11 PM  
Blogger Chef said...

Aw Joey, what a nice card you made for your Mom. Wish her a HMD from us too. I hope you and Tanner gave her lots of treats and bellyrubs today!


9:53 PM  
Blogger Suzuki said...

Happy Mothers Day Joe & Tanners Mum!
Big licks to you

5:23 AM  
Blogger Agatha and Archie said...

MUAAHHH.... we are behind as usual....Loved your Dad's pic, the sea creatures look spooky, Archie wants that book to look up the HBO words,glad about your poop,sorry about the Dbacks manager,not too sorry about the Yankees( well really Joey we are from Boston) and think we are all caught up now..Love and kisses A+A

5:34 AM  
Blogger The Army of Four said...

What a great card! We bet your mom loved it!!!
Tail wags,

7:25 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I hope your Mom had a great day, boys! Did ya give her a special gift? Maybe a nice steamin' stain??

7:55 AM  
Blogger TwoSpecialWires said...

Hey! We know you've already made your rounds, stopped by and saw us, and probly marked your territory by now, but we just updated our last blog with some good news! We thought you might want to know!

Waggin our tails,
Happy Jake and Fergi

9:30 AM  
Blogger Martha said...

That has to be the best Mother's Day card we have seen!!
Hope your mom had a good day - sorry we're late!
Martha & Bailey xx

9:56 AM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...


10:16 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

Happy Mothers Day to your mom, too!

12:42 PM  
Blogger Petra said...

Yes! Yes! I hope your mother's day was filled with lots of fun!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Happy Mutters Day to your Dog Mom. Nice card you made boys and wohhhooo, you two always crack me up!!

Wagging, Eric xxx

2:35 PM  
Blogger Duke said...

We hope your mom had the best mother's day ever!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

3:26 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

What a pawsome card!

Joe, we wuff the Brown Dogs and their Mom and now Addy! And we really enjoy the stories that their Mom tells about Cornholio!


4:10 PM  
Blogger Mason Dixie said...

Wow I was so behind in your blog! I am all caught up now, sorry, =(
Happy Mother's Day to your mom =)

4:53 PM  
Blogger Tee said...

happy momma's day to stains and tanners momma!

LIcks adn Wags

The dog Woods Pck

5:32 AM  

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