Joe Stains

This is the blog of an angry old boston terrier. (and his little brother Tanner who gets to post every Tuesday)

Friday, April 20, 2007

There is no place like home...

So FINALLY my mom is home from Las Vegas and she did not bring us ANYTHING at all, but she did finally give us what she has been hiding in the closet for weeks!

what is up there?
What is that up there...

NEW CUZ!!!!!!!!!!

the race
I grab the purple one, and of course the Doofus chases me

joey's patented pinning the cuz in the corner move
But he can't get the Cuz with my awesome move of hiding it in the corner...I am the Cuz master...

pink cuz
Tanner ended up with the Pink Cuz, because he is a little GIRL!

I apologize for this moment where I lost control, I just go wild over Cuz.

on the lookout
Then when I was sure the Doofus was not around...I got serious...

I just love my cuz...and then I ripped its GUTS OUT!!!!

I think I need to get some of that "Just for Men" hair dye, but do they make "Just for older dogs" ?? Or do you think I look distinguished with my gray hair?

Anyway, here are some movies!

If you turn up your speakers you can hear how disgusting the Doofus's Cuz gets as he fills it with spit! I am much more serious about my Cuz, because I LOOVE them.

I also love my couch, and I love to lick it. Mom thinks this is gross and doesn't like when I do it, but I love my stuff, and I love to make sure it is clean. Mom says that is something a stupid cat would do, but I say NO WAY!

23 Stains:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool new toys, Joe! I bet your mom missed you!
--- missy

6:00 PM  
Blogger Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Joe,
Lucky you getting a new should see if you can take Tanner's too. Just kidding.

Tell your mom that I like to lick the carpet...yummmy. My Mom hates it too.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

PS-Don't do anything with those gray hairs, you look very distinguished!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Boo Casanova said...

joey, u r back! i have never seen a purple or pink cuz here before. only green or orange ones. purple & pink are new.

wow, tanner fit the cuz inside his mouth??

wet wet licks


7:03 PM  
Blogger MJ's doghouse said...

YOU ARE sure lucky your mom is home. I sure dont like it when mom and dad leave me. Boy your mom should take lessons from Ivys dad...he brought her stuff from Germany....You are lucky you got the cuz....even if they are evil. I am getting grey hair too Joey...i think it is a sign of wisdom and distinction

7:22 PM  
Blogger Peanut said...

No presents from the trip but new cuzs. Hmm maybe not a bad trade-off. I think the grey hair is good on you. Oh and I like to lick my couch and my bed and I don't ever see the cats doing it.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Toby said...

Love the new Cuz's! Hmm, I've noticed Tanner always ends up with the pink toys...LOL.

What are those sounds I hear from Tanner?? Is it snorting? Is it the sound of his teeth grinding??

Glad to see a fellow licker though. Mommy says I have OCD. I love licking Mommy's duvet cover.


11:33 PM  
Blogger Simba and Jazzi said...

I have been nomimated for the awesome blog awards!! How cool it that. Please vote for me.

Simba xx

12:32 AM  
Blogger Amber-Mae said...

Okay, which one is Joey & which one is Doofus? You both look the same & I can't tell who is who. Oh, your good cuzes are cute. We don't have those coloured cuzes here in Malaysia... yet! There's only the usual red & orange ones. My hooman just bought us a bad cuz, green one! Something different at least...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

1:52 AM  
Blogger Myeo said...

Nize Cuz.. we never seen Cuz in pastel colours before. The ones we have here is those bright and loud ones.

Boy n Baby

3:22 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

Hey, you got new Cuz! Lucky, lucky you!
Don't dye your grey hair Joe - we love you just the way you are - very sophisticated and sexy!

Love ya lots,

4:51 AM  
Blogger Cash said...

I know you are glad that your mom is home....and congrats on the new Cuz score!!
WOW....I could not believe that tree fell over...WOW...that must have scared poor Doofus. I would have barked and barked and barked....until Mom came home...did you??

6:26 AM  
Blogger Balboa said...

Glad your mom is back home, but that means the party's over. Did you and your dad clean up the house?

Cool toys. Mommy and I just laughed and laughed at the videos. You guys are hilarious. After yesterday we needed a good laugh.

Frenchie Kisses,

6:41 AM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Joey, You are so distinguished and sophisticated. I don't think you need to dye your hair. A girl loves a bit of grey in her man.

But maybe you could whip up some kool-aid and dye the Doofus's hair a girlie pink to match his spitty pink cuz.

7:05 AM  
Blogger Gus said...

Welcome back, Joey and Tanner's mom! Hope the trip went well and you can buy the guys lots and lots of cuz'! (plural of cuz? Cuzzes?)

We live about a mile and a half south and slightly west of the big pink thingy!

gussie, teka and muzzer

7:35 AM  
Blogger Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Cool! Getting new toys is the best, even if they are a little girly in colour!

Oscar x

8:08 AM  
Blogger JustMeCopper said...

Hey Joe, I love new toys. They're the best, aren't they?

5:58 PM  
Blogger Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Ooooo, new toys are always coooool. I wish I had a cuz but I don't think it would last very long in my big knashers. The slurpy slurp noises were somewhat distracting in your videos but they made J1 laugh. J x

9:50 AM  
Blogger wally said...

Glad you're back! My ma ape didn't bring me anything when she went to Las Vegas either--it must be an awful place!

The slobbery Cuz was DISGUSTING. I loved it!


ps. Sometimes I lick the couch, too. Or pillows.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Lacey said...

Glad your mom is back in town. It must be guilty weekend for our people. My girl bought us new Cuz too. Thanks for teaching her about them! We never got them before we starting reading your blog.

Comet is disgusting like you. He licks his feet all over the chair, then licks the chair until it is wet. Yucky boys!

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never seen the Cuz in those colors. you two get the best.

i like stuff to be clean too. i lick HM's feet everyday, but she never gets the hint.


9:30 PM  
Blogger Sunshade said...

Hey, I like those light CUZ colours!!! Lol, both of you sure look like you enjoy eating CUZ.

Why is Doofus's left eye all red on one side??? Did he have a nervous break down?

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

2:07 AM  
Blogger Fu Fu said...

Hey Joey, are you happy that your mum is back? How can she not get you anything from vegas? Your cuz has very nice colors. I dont see any grey hair on you? At least you still have hair

~ fufu

2:42 AM  
Blogger Luckie Girl said...

Hey Joey,
Man, you look like you were going to eat your couch or something! hehehe...
Welcome back Joey's Mom!! :)

5:49 PM  

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